Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another fun assignment....

"Affirm your recovery process"  (I'll be filling these in as I'm able...)

Complete the following:

1.  Lately, I've been more willing to...
...put myself "out there" without needing to overthink possible results, judgements or failures.  I'm much more willing to accept the possibility of things not going exactly how I planned as well as the possibility that things going the way I planned may not be the best way anyway.  I've also been more willing to embrace my talents and gifts for what they are and for being valid which in turn allows me to share them without fear of judgement.

2. Something I see differently now is... having some sort of magical power to control my destiny.  It's just food.  And I can eat any and all I need with no arbitrary rules or punishments.  I also see myself differently.  I see myself as someone who doesn't need to be scared all the time, someone who is strong enough to handle situations as they arise, someone who won't shatter.

3.  ...Had a powerful effect on me.
Being told I belonged in treatment and that I was "helpable" had a powerful effect on me.  I had spent YEARS believing that there was no help for me that I shouldn't even ask because I'd be blown off as not having a "real" problem and that I'd be told just to eat more or eat less or a whole myriad of other ficticious responses.  The handout I received about how foods get villianized had a powerful effect on me.  It opened my eyes to the haphazard logic my brain was applying to food and helped me understand what I needed to do to reclaim my relationship with it.  Being able to complete my goal of learning to run for fun had a powerful effect on me.  A whole new 3x a week affirmation began as I spend 30 - 40 minutes living out my new "can" life rather than trying to push aside my "can't" life.

4.  One of the ways I'm changing is...

5.  It's getting easier for me...

6.  I realize I can choose...

7.  A year from now I...

8.  Five years from now I...

9.  I am grateful...

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